BCA C Programing Important Question from Unit 6th(File Handling) for CSJM University Exam 2nd Semester


Q1- What is ment by opening a data file and closing a data file?

Q2- Explain all the file mode
 (b). w
 (c). a
 (d). a+
 (e). w+
 (f). r+

Q3- Explain it
(a). fopen()
(b). fclose()
(c). fseek()
(d). fgetc()
(e). fputs()
(f). fgets().
(g). ftell()
(h) getc()
(i) putc().

Q4. Write a Program to copy a file into another but in reverse order.

Q5. Write the basic steps of file handling?

BCA C Programing Important Question from Unit 4th(Structures and Union) for CSJM University Exam 2nd Semester


Q1- What is structure? How we define it. Explain with the help of suitable Example?
Q2- What is Union? How we define it. Explain with the help of suitable Example?
Q3- Write a short note on nested Structure?
Q4- Write the difference between Union and Structure?

BCA C Programing Important Question from Unit 5th(C preprocessor) for CSJM University Exam 2nd Semester


Q1- Define Preprocessor Directive? Explain all the types of preprocessor directive?
Q2- What is Conditional Compilation Directive? Explain there types and write there function.
Q3- Write a program to create macro definitions with arguments to calculate area and perimeter of a      Circle , Triangle and Square.
Q4- Define Bitwise operators? And write one-one(example of right shift and left shift operator?
Q5- Explain command line arguments? Give the complete proto type of the main function and explain it’s arguments?
Q6- Write to program display the command line argument values.

Topic :Software & Types, Subject: Computer Fundamental Notes for CSJM University Kanpur(for different courses like BBA, BCA, etc..)

Software Software refers to the programs, data, and instructions that enable a computer or other digital device to perform specific tasks or...