DAY - 20

Using Selection Lists

List boxes let you pick the item you want out of a multiple-choice box. The listbox itself is created with the <SELECT> tag, and the items inside it are created by one or more <OPTION> tags. You can have any number of <OPTION> tags in a list. The list is terminated with a </SELECT> tag.
The list can appear with many items showing at once, or it can appear in a drop-down box -- normally you see one item at a time, but click to see more. The markup for the two styles is identical, except for the optional SIZE attribute. Leave off SIZE to make a drop-down box; use SIZE to make a list box of the size you wish.
Use the selectedIndex property to test which option item is selected in the list, as shown in the following example. The item is returned as an index value, with 0 being the first option, 1 being the second, and so forth (if no item is selected the value is -1).

Listing 6. form_select.html

<TITLE>List Box Test</TITLE>
<OPTION>This is item 1
<OPTION>This is item 2
<OPTION>This is item 3
If you want the text of the selected list item instead of the index, use this in the testSelect function:

Other events you can trigger within a form

I've used the onClick event handler in all of the examples because that's the one you are most likely to deal with in your forms. Yet JavaScript supports a number of other event handlers as well. Use these as the need arises, and the mood fits. In Navigator 2.x The event handlers used with form object are:
·         onFocus -- an event is triggered with a form object gets input focus (the insertion point is clicked there).
·         onBlur -- an event is triggered with a form object loses input focus (the insertion point is clicked out of there).
·         onChange -- an event is triggered when a new item is selected in a list box. This event is also trigged with a text or text area box loses focus and the contents of the box has changed.
·         onSelect -- an event is triggered when text in a text or text area box is selected.
·         onSubmit -- an event is triggered when the form is submitted to the server (more about this important hander later in the column).

Submitting the form to the server

In the examples above I've limited the action of the form to within JavaScript only. Many forms are designed to send data back to a CGI program runnong on the server. This is referred to as submitting the form, and is accomplished using either of two JavaScript instructions: the onSubmit event handler or the submit method. In most instances, you use one or the other, not both!
·         Place the onSubmit event hander in the <FORM> tag. This tells JavaScript what it should do when the user clicks the Submit button (this is a button defined as TYPE="submit").
·         Place the submit instruction anywhere in your JavaScript. It can be activated by any action, such as clicking a form button that has been defined with the onClick event handler.

Using onSubmit

Here's an example of using the onSubmit event handler to send mail. The onSubmit event handler tells JavaScript what to do when the user clicks the Submit button: call the mailMe() function, where additional mail fields are appended to a mailto: URL. Navigator automatically opens a new mail window with the fields filled in. Write the body of the message, and send the mail off to the recipient.

Listing 7. onsubmit.html

<TITLE>onSubmit Test</TITLE>
    CC= document.testform.inputbox2.value;
    BCC= document.testform.inputbox3.value;
<FORMNAME="testform"onSubmit="returnmailMe(this.form)">Subject of message: <BR>
<INPUTTYPE="text"NAME="inputbox1"VALUE="This is such a great form!"SIZE=50>
<P>Send cc to: <BR>
Send blind cc to: <BR>

Using submit

In the next example the submit method is used instead. The script is little changed, except that the onSubmit handler is removed, and an onClick hander for a renamed form button is added in its place. The submit() method replaces the return true statement in the previous example. (Personally, I prefer the submit method because it provides a little more flexibility. But either one will work.)

Listing 8. submit.html

    CC= document.testform.inputbox2.value
    BCC= document.testform.inputbox3.value
Subject of message: <BR>
<INPUTTYPE="text"NAME="inputbox1"VALUE="This is such a great form!"SIZE=50><P>
Send cc to: <BR><INPUTTYPE="text"NAME="inputbox2"VALUE=""SIZE=50><P>
Send blind cc to: <BR><INPUTTYPE="text"NAME="inputbox3"VALUE=""SIZE=50><P>
<INPUTTYPE="button"VALUE="Send Mail"onClick="mailMe()"><BR>

Validating form data using JavaScript

The World Wide Web "grew up" when they added the ability to display forms. In the days before forms, the Web was only mildly interactive, with just hypertext links to take readers from location to location. Forms allow users to truly interact with the Web. For example, readers can specify search queries using a simple one-line text box.
The typical form as used on a Web page consists of two parts: the form itself, which is rendered in the browser, and a CGI script or program located on the server. This script processes the user's input. While it's not exactly rocket science, a stumbling block in creating great Web forms is writing the CGI program. In most cases these programs are written in Perl or C, and can be a bother to implement and debug. A primary job of the CGI program is to validate that the reader has provided correct data, and this can requires pages of code.
JavaScript changes that. With JavaScript you can check the data provided by the reader before it's ever sent to the CGI program. In this way the CGI program can be kept to a bare minimum. And, because the data is only sent after it has been validated, the server need not be bothered until the form entry is known to be good. This saves valuable server resources.
Most form validation chores revolve around basic data checking: does the user remember to fill in an box? Is it have the right length? Does it contain valid characters? With most forms you can readily answer these questions with a small handful of validation routines.
A typical validation routine is determining if an input box contains only numeric digits, shown below. If the entry contains non-numeric characters, you can ask the user to enter the correct data. A ready-made routine for this is the isNumberString function, which returns the value 1 if the string contains only numbers, and 0 if it contains any non-numeric characters. To use it, provide the data string as the parameter. The value returned by the function tells you if the data is valid.

Listing 9. valid_simple.html

<TITLE>Test Input Validation</TITLE>
alert("Congratulations! You entered only numbers");
alert("Boo! You entered a string with non-numbers characters");
Enter a string with numbers only:


  1. Hi, I am Venkatesh sir da. Excellent work by you. Do continue your efforts like this.

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    1. Thanks dear,
      You also tell your problems regarding the cits syllabus i will try to solve it.

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    1. Thanks dear,
      You also tell your problems regarding the cits syllabus i will try to solve it.


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Topic :Software & Types, Subject: Computer Fundamental Notes for CSJM University Kanpur(for different courses like BBA, BCA, etc..)

Software Software refers to the programs, data, and instructions that enable a computer or other digital device to perform specific tasks or...