DAY - 9
Network Management
management is a broad range of functions including activities, methods,
procedures and the use of tools to administrate, operate, and reliably maintain
computer network systems. Strictly speaking, network Management does not
include terminal equipment (PCs, workstations, printers, etc.). Rather, it
concerns the reliability, efficiency and capacity/capabilities of data transfer
Network Administration: This involves tracking and inventorying the many
network resources such as monitoring transmission lines, hubs, switches,
routers, and servers; it also involves monitoring their performance and
updating their associated software – especially network management software,
network operating systems, and distributed software applications used by
network users. Network Operation: This involves smooth network functioning as
designed and intended, including close monitoring of activities to quickly and
efficiently address and fix problems as they occur and preferably even before
users are aware of the problem.
Network Maintenance: This involves timely repair and necessary upgrades to
all network resources as well as preventive and corrective measures through
close communication and collaboration with network administrators. Example work
includes replacing or upgrading network equipment such as switches, routers and
damaged transmission lines.
Provisioning: This involves configuring network resources to support the
requirements of a particular service; example services may be voice
capabilities or increasing broadband requirements to facilitate more users.
Secure Internet Management and SNMP
The Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the standard operations and maintenance
protocol for the Internet. SNMP-based management not only produces management
solutions for systems, applications, complex devices, and environmental control
systems, but also provides the Internet management solutions supporting Web
services. SNMPv3, the most recent standard approved by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), adds secure capabilities (like encryption).
Experience, Reliability, and Support
SNMP Research
provides comprehensive tools for secure management, policy deployment, and agent and manager development using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
Products and services are used worldwide by end-users, Original Equipment
Manufacturers, value-added resellers, and embedded systems suppliers.
Built Upon Open Standards
SNMP Research
is a leading-edge producer of standards-based products and participates in the
IETF SNMP open management standards working groups. SNMP Research was the first
company to support SNMPv3. Dr. Jeff Case, founder of SNMP Research, and other
engineers at SNMP Research authored or co-authored SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv3, and
many related
MIB (Management Information Bases) documents.
Remote Monitoring (RMON)
Remote Monitoring (RMON) performs extensive network-fault detection and
provides performance-tuning data to NAs. Remote Monitoring (RMON) is a standard
specification that facilitates the monitoring of network operational activities
through the use of remote devices known as monitors or probes. RMON assists
network administrators (NA) with efficient network infrastructure control and
RMON was
initially developed to address the issue of remote site and local area network
(LAN) segment management from a centralized location. The RMON standard
specifies a group of functions and statistics that may be exchanged between
RMON compatible network probes and console managers. RMON
RMON collects nine information types, including bytes sent, packets sent, packets dropped and statistics by host. NAs use RMON to determine network user traffic or bandwidth levels and website access information. Additionally, issue alerts may be preconfigured.
RMON uses certain network devices, such as servers, and contains network management applications that serve as clients. RMON controls the network by using its servers and applications simultaneously. When a network packet is transmitted, RMON facilitates packet status viewing and provides further information, in the event that a packet is blocked, terminated or lost.
Two RMON versions are available:
RMON collects nine information types, including bytes sent, packets sent, packets dropped and statistics by host. NAs use RMON to determine network user traffic or bandwidth levels and website access information. Additionally, issue alerts may be preconfigured.
RMON uses certain network devices, such as servers, and contains network management applications that serve as clients. RMON controls the network by using its servers and applications simultaneously. When a network packet is transmitted, RMON facilitates packet status viewing and provides further information, in the event that a packet is blocked, terminated or lost.
Two RMON versions are available:
RMON1: Outlines 10 management information base (MIB) groups for standard
network monitoring. MIB groups are viewable in most advanced network hardware.
RMON2: Focuses on higher traffic layers that exist above the medium access
control (MAC) layer, Internet Protocol (IP) and application-level traffic.
Facilitates network management applications to track all network layer packets.
Wireless network
What Is a Wireless Network?
A wireless
local-area network (LAN) uses radio waves to connect devices such as laptops to
the Internet and to your business network and its applications. When you
connect a laptop to a WiFi hotspot at a cafe, hotel, airport lounge, or other
public place, you're connecting to that business's wireless network
What Is a Wireless Network vs. a Wired
A wired network
connects devices to the Internet or other network using cables. The most common
wired networks use cables connected to Ethernet ports on the network router on
one end and to a computer or other device on the cable's opposite end.
Network Benefits
businesses can experience many benefits from a wireless network, including: Convenience: Access your network
resources from any location within your wireless network's coverage area or
from any WiFi hotspot.
Mobility: You're no longer tied to your desk, as you were with a wired
connection. You and your employees can go online in conference room meetings,
for example.
Productivity: Wireless access to the Internet and to your
company's key applications and resources helps your staff get the job done and
encourages collaboration.
Easy setup: You don't have to string cables, so installation can
be quick and cost-effective.
Expandable: You can easily expand wireless networks with existing
equipment, while a wired network might require additional wiring.
Security: Advances in wireless networks provide robust security protections.
Cost: Because wireless networks eliminate or reduce wiring costs, they can
cost less to operate than wired networks.
Images of wireless network
following diagram shows a Smartphone controlling a lighting network via the
Internet. The Smartphone application sends JIP commands to the lights,
through the Internet and via the Internet Gateway into the JenNet-IP wireless
network. The wireless microcontroller on each light in the network runs an
application to interpret the JIP commands, control the light, and monitor
energy consumption.
Wireless Channels
IEEE 802.11g/b wireless nodes communicate with each other using radio
frequency signals in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) band between
2.4 GHz and 2.5 GHz. Neighbouring channels are 5 MHz apart. However, due to the
spread spectrum effect of the signals, a node sending signals using a
particular channel will utilize frequency spectrum 12.5 MHz above and below the
centre channel frequency. As a result, two separate wireless networks using neighbouring
channels (for example, channel 1 and channel 2) in the same general vicinity
will interfere with each other. Applying two channels that allow the maximum
channel separation will decrease the amount of channel cross-talk and provide a
noticeable performance increase over networks with minimal channel separation.
Wireless channel in Secure Public
The top level of a wireless information
network is shown in Figure 1. The public network (Internet and Phone) and the
private network such as the one modeled as a university are usually not secure.
The private networks modeled as an industry, a wireless service provider, and a
private LAN are usually secure. Figure 1. also illustrates security firewalls
for the secure private networks.
The MAC level (link layer)
section of the document focus on the next layer up, the link layer. This mostly
comprise the
(Medium Access Control) protocol. Different MAC protocols and techniques are
Main channel access
main job of the MAC protocol is to regulate the usage of the medium, and this
is done through a channel access mechanism. A channel access mechanism is a way
to divide the main resource between nodes, the radio channel, by regulating the
use of it. It tells each node when it can transmit and when it is expected to
receive data. The channel access mechanism is the core of the MAC protocol. In
this section, we describe TDMA, CSMA and polling which are the 3 main classes of
channel access mechanisms for radio.
this chapter, we discuss TDMA as a channel access mechanism and not its
applications and protocols based on it. TDMA (Time Division Multiplex Access)
is very simple. A specific node, the base station, has the responsibility to
coordinate the nodes of the network.
time on the channel is divided into time slots, which are generally of fixed
node of the network is allocated a certain number of slots where it can
are usually organised in a frame, which is repeated on a regular basis.
base station specify in the beacon (a management frame) the organisation of the
frame. Each node just needs to follow blindly the instruction of the base
station. Very often, the frame is organised as downlink (base station to node)
and uplink (node to base station) slots, and all the communications goes
through the base station. A service slot allows a node to request the allocation
of a connection, by sending a connection request message in it .In some
standards, uplink and downlink frames are one different frequencies, and the
service slots might also be a separate channel.
TDMA channel access
suits very well phone applications, because those application have very predictable
and identical bit rate). Each handset is allocated a downlink and a uplink slot
of a fixed size (the size of the voice data for the duration of the frame).
This is no surprise why TDMA is used into all cellular phone standards (GSM in
Europe, TDMA and PCS in the USA) and cordless phone standards (DECT in Europe).
TDMA is also very good to achieve low latency and guarantee of bandwidth (where
CSMA/CA is quite bad).
is not well suited for data networking applications, because it is very strict
and inflexible.
IP is
connectionless and generates burst traffic which is very unpredictable by nature,
while TDMA is connection oriented (so it has to suffer the overhead of creating
connections for single IP packets). TDMA use fixed size packets and usually
symmetrical link, which doesn't suit IP that well (variable size packets). TDMA
is very much dependant of the quality of the frequency band. In a dedicated
clean band, as it is the case for cellular phone standard, TDMA is fine. But,
because of it's inflexibility, and because it doesn't really take care of
what's happening on the channel, TDMA can't cope and adapt to the busty
interference sources found in the unlicensed bands (unless a retry mechanism is
put on top of it).
CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) is the
channel access mechanism used by most wireless LANs in the ISM bands. A channel
access mechanism is the part of the protocol which specifies how the node uses
the medium: when to listen, when to transmit... The basic principles of CSMA/CA
are listening before talk and contention. This is an asynchronous message
passing mechanism (connectionless), delivering a best effort service, but no
bandwidth and latency guarantee (you are still following?). It's main advantages are that it is suited for
network protocols such as TCP/IP, adapts quite well with the variable condition
of traffic and is quite robust against interferences.
CSMA/CA is fundamentally different from the channel access mechanism
used by cellular phone systems CSMA/CA is derived from CSMA/CD (Collision
Detection), which is the base of Ethernet . The main difference is the
collision avoidance: on a wire, the transceiver has the ability to listen while
transmitting and so to detect collisions (with a wire all transmissions have
approximately the same strength). But, even if a radio node could listen on the
channel while transmitting, the strength of its own transmissions would mask
all other signals on the air. So, the protocol can't directly detect collisions
like with Ethernet and only tries to avoid them
Channel access network design:
communication between an 802.11 wireless network adapter and an AP occurs over
a common channel corresponding to a frequency range in the S-Band ISM frequency
range. You set the channel in the AP, and the wireless network adapter
automatically tunes to the channel of the AP with the strongest signal. The
wireless network adapter continues communication with the AP until the signal
gets weak, at which time it attempts to locate another AP with a stronger
To reduce
interference between wireless APs, ensure that wireless APs with overlapping
signals use unique channel frequencies. The 802.11b standard reserves 14
frequency channels for use with wireless APs. Within the United States, the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows channels 1 through 11. In most
of Europe, you can use channels 1 through 13. In Japan, you have only one
choice: channel 14.
Figure 11.4
shows the 11 802.11b frequency channels available in the United States. Notice
that the 802.11b signals overlap with adjacent channel frequencies. As a
result, you can only use three channels (in the United States, channels 1, 6,
and 11) without causing interference between adjacent APs.
Figure 11.4 Channel
Overlap for 802.11b APs in the United States
Designing a
local area network from scratch is the project most consultants dream of. When
it finally lands in your inbox, do you know where to start? This checklist of
six potential design issues will help ensure your LAN project is a success You
finally have the consulting project you've been waiting for: A customer is
building a new office and has asked you to design their entire local
area network (LAN),
as their present infrastructure is outdated and has ports failing by the day. This
is a consultant's dream! However, it can become a nightmare for you and your
company if you design the network improperly.
Let's look at
some big network design issues to
consider when designing a new LAN for your customers.
Plan the
network's complexity to be in line with the customer's IT expertise Switches and routers come with hundreds of features and
functions. However, engineering too many bells and whistles into the network
can create support problems in the future, if the customer's IT staff does not
have some basic understanding of the features and functions you implement.
Recognize the business's needs without making the network overly complex.
To PoE, or not to PoE?
More and more
customers are deploying wireless LAN technology and IP telephony. Wireless LAN access points are easiest to
install when Power over Ethernet (PoE) is available. IP telephony utilizes phones
that connect to and draw power from the LAN. The days of the traditional PBX system are numbered; every vendor out there is
moving towards IP PBX systems and handsets. Many customers will tell you
"We are not using wireless," or "We will never move to IP
telephony." They may not now (at least as far as their manager knows), but
if you do a good job on this project, your customer will keep their equipment
for at least three to five years. You'll do a great service to your customer if
you can convince them to purchase PoE switches now. Then, when the CIO decides
to move to WLAN or IP telephony in 18 months, the non-PoE switches won't have
to be replaced
Network uptime
becomes more critical every year. Spend time planning a design that provides
network redundancy from a physical and logical perspective. For example,
utilize dual fiber-optic uplinks from the wiring closets to the core switches.
Ensure that chassis-based core switches have dual CPU cards. Be sure to think about items like default
gateway redundancy. You can design the most redundant physical network in the
world, but if it's not properly configured to provide Layer 3 IP Default
Gateway redundancy and a failure occurs, your customer's network will grind to
a screeching halt and you can be sure they will call you to ask why.
10 Gigabit Ethernet? 100 Gigabit? Do I need that?
Just because 10 Gigabit Ethernet is here today and higher speeds are coming
does not mean that you need those ports all over the LAN. All too often
customers purchase the fastest equipment possible thinking they need it, even
though their existing 100 Mbps network is only running at 5% capacity. While it
is definitely prudent to ensure that core switches can support these higher
speeds, you may be advising the customer to waste a lot of money if you tell
them that 10 Gigabit switches are needed everywhere.
Standards and maintenance
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