BCA C Programing Important Question from Unit 1st(Array) for CSJM University Exam 2nd Semester

1.   Write a program to check the give number is Armstrong or Not?
2.   Explain:  
 (a) for loop 
 (b) while loop 
(c) do while loop.
3.   Write a program to print all prime numbers below 100?
4.   Write a program to calculate the numbers of Years and Months take input as a “days” from the user.
5.   Explain:     
 (a) Arithmetic Operator                                                                                 
 (b) Relational Operator                                                                        
 (c) Logical Operator
6.   Write a program to calculate the Area of Triangle and Area of Circle.
7.   What is Difference between Character Array and Integer Array?
8.   Write a program to sort an Arithmetic Array in increasing order?
9.   What are data types? Explain different types of data types and their size?
    10.    Write a program to even numbers up to 100.
    11.    Write a program to print sum and average of 5 integers digits?
    12.    Write a program to multiply 2*2 Matrices.
  13.    What are arrays? How can they be initialized? Give the Memory       representation of Arrays?                                                                                   OR                           
 What do you mean by Array? How can we declare Arrays?
    14.    Write the difference between Multidimensional Array and one    Dimensional Array?
    15.    Write a program to Add and Subtraction of 2 Matrix take Input from    the user?
   16.    What is Multidimensional Array? Explain with suitable Example?  

17.  What Are Subscripts? How are they written? And write there  Restrictions apply to the values?
18. Write a program to find Largest and Smallest in an Array?
19. Write a program to find the Determinant of 3*3 Matrix? 
20Write a program to Inverse of a matrix?


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