BCA C Programing Important Question from Unit 2nd(Pointer) for CSJM University Exam 2nd Semester

Unit- 2 (POINTER)
1.   Explain the Relation Between an Array and Pointer?
2.   What is Pointer? Explain their Features and What is use of (*) Indirection Operator?
3.   Write the use of
(a). calloc()
(b). malloc()
(c). free()
(d). realloc() with suitable examples?

4. Write a Program to Swap Two numbers using Call by Reference?
5. Write a difference between “call by value” and “call by reference” with suitable examples?
     Explain types of function calling in c with example?
6. What is Dynamic memory Allocation? Explain briefly?
Explain with the example the concept of Garbage Collection?
7. Write the 5 Advantages And 5 Disadvantages of Pointer?
8. Explain the Arithmetic Operation Supported by Pointer?
9. Explain (A). Library function (B). User Define Functions?
10.Write difference between Address Operator(&) and Indirection Operator(*)?

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